Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Dr. Scott Haltzman, Brown University Psychiatrist And Author Seeks To Learn What the Average Man Would Do.

PROVIDENCE, RI – January 10, 2007 Brown University Psychiatrist and author, Dr. Scott Haltzman, has been researching relationships between husbands and wife for years. Now the author of the best-selling "The Secrets of Happily Married Men" has a different line of questioning.

Do happily married men want sex outside of marriage?

On an episode of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Larry David’s wife gives him a “gift” of being able to have one-time sex with someone outside of the marriage. Do men want this?

That’s what Dr. Haltzman wants to know, and he’s asking married men from around the world to answer: If your wife gave you a present of a single night’s sex outside of marriage, without any negative consequences, would you take it?

Men can answer anonymously answer by going to: DrScott.com and clicking on the "ONE NIGHT STAND SURVEY" button. (The direct link is http://www.secretsofmarriedmen.com/infidelity_survey.html )

Dr. Haltzman has been advising men and women on how to have happy marriages for over a decade. He is available to talk on your radio show about issues on marriage, infidelity, and whether, and how, men and women can stay together for life despite their differences. He states: “Everyone hears that the solution to marital problems lies in communication, sharing feelings, and spending time together. But it’s rare you hear a marriage expert: ‘Have lots of sex!’” Dr. Haltzman finds that having good sexual relationships is as important as a good conversation, and it can be a lot more fun! “Sex is an important part of bonding emotionally,” says Haltzman, “and if you don’t get sex from your partner, where else ARE you going to get it?”

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